Greek Long -term Ecosystem Research Network (LTER-Greece)
Τhe LTER-Greece is a collaborative network of scientists and their stakeholders engaged in long-term, site-based ecological, social and economic research in Greece. The vision of LTER-Greece is to improve the quality of life of all citizens through the application of long- term, large-scale research to the preservation and sustainable use of ecosystems. LTER-Greece is a national network, member of the European Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER-Europe) and of the International Long Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER). The mission of LTER-Greece is to deliver to the scientific community, policy makers, and society in general, sound scientific information and predictive understanding of ecological and socio-economic processes and to inform solutions to current and future environmental problems at local, national, European and global scales. The goals are:
- to foster collaboration and coordination among long-term ecosystem researchers and research networks at local, regional, continental and global scales;
- to improve comparability of long-term ecological, social and economic data from sites around the world, and facilitate exchange and preservation of these data;
- to deliver scientific information to scientists, policymakers and the public to meet the needs of decision makers at multiple
- to facilitate education of the next generation of long-term scientists.
More information:
LTER – Greece: Greek Long Term Ecosystem Research Networks
DEIMS – SDR: LTSER Platform Samothraki Nature Observatory – Greece